Hello everybody, this is Harold Torre, I'm writing this post because most of you have been asking about the next episode of the series, so here is my response.
So, first want to say sorry, for not keeping this blog updated and for stop uploading videos so sudden but rigth now I'm on the final road of high school, just five weeks left to prom! [Yay!] :) So anyways, I've been in a lot of trouble and stress lately, things are getting a little bit intense at school besides the computer I use to make my videos had some problem while I was working on one 4x04 clip so since I don't have time or money [I gotta get a real job! lol] I can't take it to tech service.
This been told, I just want to add that i'm NOT QUITTING THIS PROYECT, So don't get to excited cuz the Vp's charmed is now on Vacations, our Halliwell Sister are taking a break of demons and vanquishes but don't get used to it, cuz is just while VP's recover then we'll be back and BETTER THAN EVER!
About this Blog, I'm going to try in the bit of free time that I have to made quick updates like this one, so you could still be informed about what's going on with the VP's Charmed and all! :)
Thank you for everything! and sorry again for making you wait and not say a word. Without anything else to say! Harold Torre Says NO Goodbye but See Ya'!