Most of the people wonder, why Valentino's Productions decided to kill Alyssa's character Phoebe Halliwell off the series, I mean... Why not Piper? or why kill any sister at all? well, the answer is here.
Rigth after Shannen left, Alyssa Milano started to take over the series, first she were credited at first in the opening credits, in the first 3 seasons she used to be credited at last -Assuming that the actresses were credited in order of their character's age- but for some unknown reason since season 4 until season 8 she was the first in the credits and Holly Marie who was credited secondly in the first 3 seasons, end up at the end with an 'As Piper' after her name.
Apart from that, The DVD covers were also affected for the unknow Alyssa's effect! for some reason she always was put in the middle since season 5, even when Piper is the oldest sister in the absence of Prue.
So, we never really know what hapend to that, but if at some point some of the fans criticize that Shannen took more of Charmed that she should, why they never said anything about Alyssa? Anyways, the reason why i decided to kill her character is to try one of the thousand ways that the show could go if Alyssa would quit instead of Shannen.
It's actually NOTHING PERSONAL, I know I've been saying that 'I Hate Alyssa' But actually lately I realized that I don't she is a GREAT actress and I think she has a lot of talent, I guess it was some sorta way of speak, but I actually feel related to her in a lot of ways, with her bad rebel past and attitude and her way of growing up and become a more mature person, but sometimes I think that is REALLY a shame that Prue weren't alive to see how her s*rew up sister became a great succesfull columnist after all, Prue -deep inside- allways had faith on her little sister.
Anyways, VP selected Shannen over Alyssa! to regularize the show, put more balance on it, and make it a more sisterly show than a one sister show. So, why not some kinda power of four alternate series? Well, personally I think that the death of a sister marked the show in some way, that major event is part of the series, it was the sister's destiny to suffer a big lost, and it was Paige's destiny to know her original family, cuz that's the event which mada Paige meet her long lost family and her craft, but not her death half sister, which I think is part of her destiny as well and why not some sorta Prue, Phoebe and Paige? Well since Prue and Phoebe doesn't really get along in some cases with Paige arround tha mayor and forced change for Phoebe would been more radical and even wost that the original series, So with Prue, Piper and Paige we have a similar balance than the original series with the special Rose touch -refering to the different flavor that Rose Mcgowan added to Charmed once she came in- with some of the obssesed and bossy Prue, and the constantly overeacting and paniquing of Piper. So basically that's te main reason why Valentino's Productions decided Shannen Doherty to stay on the show, but since this is all FANMADE and NOT REAL we never know what to espect, so you may wanna keep following the show, because we migth have some surprieses in the future.