Is not really a big secret for anyone that there were some troubles at the set of 'Charmed' during some especific seasons, but everything wasn't that bad all the time.
During the first season of the show, the actresses were pretty close, Holly Marie Combs (Piper Halliwell) and Shannen Doherty (Prue Halliwell) were best friends before starring Charmed, and when they joined Alyssa Milano (Phoebe Halliwell), after Lori Rom left (First actress to play the role of 'Phoebe Halliwell') they all three devolped a deep relashionship.

After one season together the actresess had become pretty close and the show really succuessful. Even at Milano's secret wedding to the rocker from Remy Zero, Cinjun Tate in january 1st 1999 (wich ended later on november that same year), Shannen and Holly Marie were Alyssa's bridesmaids. So basically everything was going fine, but then some problems started at the set, aparently no one saw them comming and no one even know how they began, but the thing was that the set was no longer a comfortable place to be, the tension in work was too evident and sooner the show started to be affected.
Since that event the rumors began, some people said, that Alyssa and Shannen couldn't stand work with each other, that Alyssa was envy of Shannen's success, or viceversa... Some of them even got to say that the actresses figth that much, that in some cases they left the set.
According to some rumors in the episode 21 from season 3 "Look Who's Barking" the actresses were that upset to each other, that Doherty decided to left the set and they couldn't follow the regular story episode, so the producers decided to change the summary by making the sisters cast a spell to track a 'Banshee' (Female demon who feeds on human pain) but since dogs are the only ones who can really sense this kind of the demons; the spell, too far from helping the sisters to bring the Banshee close to them, it gonna help them to get close to the Banshee, or at list one of them.
that's how Doherty's character (Prue Halliwell) end up becoming a dog to help the sisters track the banshee, that way the dog could stay for the rest of the episode while Shannen leave and Alyssa could stay. Something tells me that Alyssa get along better with dogs than Shannen.
But let's not forget that all of these are just RUMORS nothing really official, some people say that's fake, some other say that they were just practicing for the real Shannen's left which happened just one episode after in the season finale 3x22 "All Hells Break Loose".
The episode talks about magic been exposed; and fighting demons as usual, until a powerful demon hit Shannen and Holly's characteres (Prue and Piper Haliwell) trow a wall and let them uncouncious until Brian Krause's charater (Leo/Guardian Angel) came to heal theam, but unfortunately was too late for Prue, she was already death by the time he got there. After this rigth episode, Prue Halliwell is barely mention in the rest of the series. they're even rumors which say that Alyssa Milano made a big party about Shannen's left, where the guests, screamed 'The Evil witch is Gone!'. Of course, members of the cast like Holly Marie, Julian McMahon (Phoebe's lover at the moment in the series, and past lover of Shannen in real life) and Brian Krause (Whiteligther) refused to go because of their friendship with the actress, then again, i'm just reaching, this is all rumoring. of course if you look closely to some faces in the whole 3rd season you can notice the tension in some scenes, plus -in my opinion- the fact that Phoebe's attitude totally changed between season 2 and 3. Most of the funny, perky and happy Phoebe was gone to welcome the bitter and ruined Phoebe.

After Shannen left, the show was really in a hurry so they decided to add a new sister at the story, something new, something fresh, making a lot of sense in most of their new adaptation. Most of the people hated how they adapted the series, but not because of the story but because of their particular dislike about Paige Matthews, the new half sister/witch that joined the show, played by Rose McGowan. personally I tottaly loved Rose's character, Paige bring new life to the show, since Phoebe had changed (I allways though Phoebe was the one to make the show even funnier) into something 'different' the arrival of Paige changed that, of course it changed the show itself too, things with Prue were more like lots of action, more serious and even more scaring, but with Paige's appereance, we could add more comedy to the show -Not saying that the show wasn't funny, cuz it was!- But as we all expected the raiting went way down, even after season 4 when the raitings increased they couldn't never reach the first 3 seasons.
Obviously the series never returned to what it was, actually several changes were seen in the next seasons, including the way to be of the sisters, Piper being the middle sister, the 'neutral one' had to become the bad ass big sister, taking care of her family and protecting them, Phoebe who was the youngest, had to learn how to be a middle sister and play a mediator between Piper and Paige, just as Piper did a thousand times between Prue and her, and Paige came in to be the little sisters who's always excited about the whole magic situation and never listen to anybody but herself. At season 4 all went well but, since season 5 the characters got really lost, and Alyssa who already had taken the series (by focusing everything about her character) took even more protagonism than ever -feeling kinda ironic- noticing that most critics and fans say that the first 3 seasons focused more on Prue than the other 2 sisters, but when Phoebe took all over Charmed slowly since season 4 -being credited first at the opening credits- No one ever said anything.
About Shannen and Alyssa, only they know what happened with their friendship and of course all they're close friends. For Holly Marie and Alyssa who continued on the show it should been kinda uncomfortble at first, but then it seems that everything worked really well cuz she (Holly Marie) kept her friendship with both of the actresses, acting like her former character Piper Halliwell as a neutral sister and in real life a NEUTRAL person, that's why the result for the DOHERTY VS MILANO question the winner is... HOLLY MARIE COMBS.
I would say that also but if have to choose between the two I would say Alyssa Milano because she lasted much longer on the show because Shannen Doherty had lawsuits with the cast/staff.She also had problems with the cast members of 90210 and that's why she had to come off that show
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