Hey Everydody, well since the DVD cover is a really important thing! VPs has decided to made it by the audience choice. Me (Harold Torre) has done 6 potential DVD covers, they are not perfect but that's why you are gonna choose so i could know wich one is the best one! and wich one is OUT! You can leave a comment voting or just vote in the poll. here are you options:

FIVE cover the best for me !!
Ok! thnk you for voting! =)
All are beautiful cover. Specially style of charmed is very good and all three girls are also amazing. You can also Download Charmed Episodes from here, so enjoy this amazing show at any time..
Number five and 3 (L)
Thanks for voting! :)
I think the third and the sixth one is the same.
5 is definiltely the winner
hi dude you are creating nice blog about charmed tv show. you have provided better link of charmed seasons .
Thanx for sharing season4 download links.All the seasons of the show are good.Season4 is a season full of surprises.And the best episode i think was Three faces of Phoebe.I just love to watch charmed episode Three faces of Phoebe and all the season 4.Its a must watch.
It makes no sense to have Prue and Paige on the same cover, they were never in the same series. And what about Phoebe??
I liked number 2...Umm, not trying to be rude or anything, but where's Phoebe?
Ya i thought prue dies in the third season wheres phoebe? i own the fourth season and prue is gone thats why they had to get paige im so confused and since paige had the power to move things with her mind, what power does prue have? she cant have phoebes since she already has her own.....
i liked cover 1, and since i own the 4th season, i know that piper and Paige are in their exact same spots, and instead of having phoebe in prues spot, Prue is there that is the only difference but they kept piper and Paige's poses
where the heck is Phoebe Prue died in season 3 come on charmed with not be charmed with out Phoebe i don't care if i'm being rude or not i'm just saying it is not right or fair Alyssa is an amazing actress too
Why are you wasting your money on DVD's? I Watch Charmed TV Show online. You can also watch any episode and also download any episode online for free.
Well, I think the cover was pretty cool, but I prefer the original!
i love charmed,the dvd's aren't a waste so when the tv stops showing it you can watch whatever episode u like whenever and also the covers i don't like em' i dont like prue she didn't even meet paige so those covers are actually a waste of time for whoever made them!!!
didnt finish... so prue shouldve never met paige because she is boring its much better with paige pheobe and piper!!! jeez im glad pheobe had way cooler powers as the show progresses
yeah it doesnt make sense pheobe wasnt even near piper and prue when PRUE "should've died"!!
Okay, while you all are saying not to be rude...you are being rude and ignorant. If you read the main page, you will clearly read that phoebe died instead of prue in this form of season 4 of charmed.
But I go for number 5!
Cover NOTHING prue died pheobe didnt(i wish pheobe whould have died instead) cover 1 is just the REAL cover with prues face instead of pheobe.
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